When Awareness, Thinking and Action Meet
So many initiatives, however well-intentioned, completely miss the mark without a different type of 'creative collaboration'.
One of the most rewarding things that happened for me this year was joining the Grey Swan Guild, an action-based do/think tank, which I thought I would share, as you may also be interested in what they’re up to.
The Guild came together in response to the first shocks felt during the pandemic, primarily to discuss the impact of the crisis and the road ahead - and to generate ideas to support rebuilding a better human experience.
Today, there are around 1,300 members and contributors from around the world who share their candid perspectives through the lenses of human experience. Each week we distil the news and events from around the world and publish “The Wrap” on Medium. The idea is to make sense of “The Week That Was” by connecting the dots of ‘the Great, the Good, the Bad, the Ugly and the Undecided’.
This week, it was my turn as lead editor and I settled on the topic “20 Years Post 9/11 and Beyond”, taking a dive into how the events of 9/11 and the ensuing years have shaped our world - and how we might think about and design for a future we want to live in. I have to admit, it was a heavy topic and a really tough Wrap to write. I’d love to hear your thoughts?
If you’re interested in cultivating a bigger, broader, sensemaking perspective on the world, membership is free and open to all. The Guild also hosts regular events - relaxed, informal sessions, which are always insightful.
From a personal perspective, this type of ‘creative collaboration’ has been a godsend. It has informed my thinking and made my coaching and sensemaking work with leadership teams so much richer. You can follow the Grey Swan Guild on LinkedIn or go to their site: Grey Swan Guild for more info.
I recently had the pleasure of talking to Janice Johnson, Partner & CEO, Identity Fund Managers, live on LinkedIn about Gender Smart Investing and I promised to share the recording with you. You’ll find Janice’s profile, how to contact her and more about the topic here.
The focus on women in business (and in life) is very much front of mind at the moment. Last week, I had the pleasure of running a ‘futures thinking’ strategic planning session on setting up a DEI and Women’s Forum for an organisation with diverse interests. Thank you to all involved, it was a brilliant day and I left feeling both inspired and confident that ideas will turn into action.
Over the years, I have come to understand that the only way we turn great ideas into action is through an iterative process where we foster bigger, broader, bolder thinking and create the right environment for change.
Today, I would say the ‘secret sauce’ is a very different type of creative collaboration from how we might have done things before. After all, we can’t expect outdated thinking and structures to support us in a new paradigm.
I’ve also noticed that our metaphors are changing, which is always a good indicator of a shift in our collective thinking. Our language is less strategy and project management - and way more organic and systems.
Somehow, it more seems appropriate to talk about planting seeds (the right ideas at the right time) into fertile ground (culture & environment), feeding the soil (constant c-suite involvement), in the right conditions (agility, timing & context), reaping what’s been sown (product/service) and taking it all to market (supply chain & offering) where sales depend on 1.) the quality of the offering, 2.) our experience buying it and 3.) the story behind it and our reputation (in no particular order).
We’re all grappling with finding a new balance in how we work, live, love and learn. Cultures are rapidly changing as employers wrestle with a new way of working and employees resist a return to what was.
Interesting, challenging, messy times that are full of opportunity if we are able to be more agile and comfortable with ambiguity.
We’re running sensemaking sessions designed for c-suite and leadership teams to unravel, explore and shape all manner of tricky topics.
These sessions are not ‘old school workshops’, rather they are ‘co-thinking platforms for a new type of ‘creative collaboration’. Get in touch if you have a challenge you’re working with and let’s talk about designing a session for you.
Please feel free to comment and share your insight with us and if you know of someone else who would also enjoy this edition of LIFT, why not share it?
Until next time, take good care of yourself.
Best, Louise