Wayfinder: Review 2021 & Design 2022
My gift to you as we close down 2021 and begin to envision all that we want for ourselves in the year ahead.
Lead Into the Future Today (LIFT) is brought to you by Louise Mowbray of Mowbray by Design, the Creative Conscious Leadership Consultancy. If you’re reading this and haven’t yet subscribed, you can do so here:
Thank you!
A huge thank you from me to you for your support, collaboration, insight and inspiration this year. I am very much looking forward to making more magic with you in 2022!
As this year draws to a close my gift to you is Wayfinder | Review 2021 & Design 2022. Wayfinder is a free resource to help you gain valuable personal and business insights from the year, which will support you to design the one you're going into.
Celebrate your strengths and wins and the people who helped you get there! Learn from your mistakes, reveal any areas you need to develop and identify any potential blind spots that may be holding you back. And dream big and bold to create what is to come.
As usual, I shall be closing this annual resource at the end of January 2022 so set aside some uninterrupted time, put your favourite playlist on, grab a cuppa and click on this link to get started.
If you know of someone else who would benefit from this, why not share it?
Until next year, take good care of yourself.
Best, Louise
"For last year's words belong to last year's language. And next year's words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning." T. S. Eliot