Today on LinkedIn Live...
Join us today for a conversation on the three mental models leaders need to cultivate now. Ask yourself if your team is 'futures minded', get the lowdown on Hybrid Work and how to get "Wiser, Faster".
Lead Into the Future Today (LIFT) is brought to you by Louise Mowbray of Mowbray by Design, the creative Conscious Leadership Consultancy. If you’re reading this and haven’t yet subscribed, you can do so here:
Today, I’ve been invited to talk to Agustin Borrazas, fellow Grey Swan Guild member and contributor about leadership and leadership teams.
There are three mental models or 'lenses on the world', which would serve us well right now. They take a shift in awareness and a bit of practice but once you have them, you'll wonder how you managed without them.
Agustin and I will be talking about the challenges and opportunities leaders and leadership teams around the world are facing and how these mental models are having a powerfully positive effect on those who develop them. Do join us if you're free:
Date: 23 September 2021
Time: 9am ET | 3pm BST | 4pm SAST
Register: LinkedIn Live
If you’d like to join but can’t make the time, register anyway and you will be notified when the recording is available.
Is your team Futures Minded?
Are you a member of a leadership team? If so, do you consider your team to be ‘futures minded’?
I was fortunate to attend a session led by Prof. Peter Hawkins of the Global Team Coaching Institute yesterday, which was a brilliant reminder of what we should be aiming for in Leadership Team development if we are to build teams that thrive.
There are three levels of intentional development that are used the world over. The first is necessary, however, if we stop there, it’s so basic as to almost keep the team hobbled. The second is bigger and broader and very necessary and the third, which we’re starting to see more of, is where we urgently need to focus our attention now:
Business as usual planning and problem-solving
Innovating for tomorrow
Future foresight – what’s over the horizon?
“Not Finance. Not Strategy. Not Technology. It is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so rare.” Patrick Lencioni (quoted in Hawkins 2021)
The pandemic has accelerated a much-needed shift in how we develop teams. Never before have we been more aware that the challenges we all face are both interconnected and interdependent. They’re too complex to be resolved without a different type of ‘creative collaboration’.
We need to replace simplistic problem solving with collective systemic thinking and partnering with all of our stakeholders. Get in touch if you’d like to work with me on this.
Hybrid Work - Change Is Coming
We’re all juggling with new ways of working and last week, fellow editor at GSG Rob Tyrie took a deep dive into the topic in this article, published on Medium. It’s a really good read and includes loads of insight to help you to refine your thinking and strategy around all things hybrid work.
I’m really interested to hear what you’ve decided on and if there are any wins or major challenges you’re currently facing? Do leave a comment and let us know what you’re up to?
A Note on Wisdom…
Wisdom is an interesting thing. It takes time and if we remain open, observant and curious, we realise we have it without making any effort at all. I’ve always thought of time as the great revealer (and healer). If we allow events, people (and often ourselves) to unravel and reveal themselves in their own time, without prematurely jumping to conclusions, we find we have greater wisdom to make the right decisions in the moment.
And yes, it’s tough to do - we’re wired to make snap judgements. Aeons ago our survival depended on it. However, they’re often inaccurate and almost always biased. Our unconscious (and conscious) biases can play havoc with our ability to make wise decisions. Learn more about becoming “Wiser, Faster”.
Please feel free to comment and share your insight with us and if you know of someone else who would also enjoy this edition of LIFT, why not share it?
Until next time, take good care of yourself.
Best, Louise