Burnout. It's a thing.
The WHO has included burnout as an 'occupational phenomenon', not a medical condition, which is good news in raising awareness about toxic workplaces.
Lead Into the Future Today (LIFT) is brought to you by Louise Mowbray of Mowbray by Design, the creative Conscious Leadership Consultancy. If you’re reading this and haven’t yet subscribed, you can do so here:
On the 28th of May this year, the World Health Organisation (WHO) included burnout in the 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) as an ‘occupational phenomenon’, not a ‘medical condition’.
Now that's quite something. Ultimately, common sense prevails. The good news is the WHO will be developing evidence-based guidelines on mental well-being in the workplace, which will raise visibility and give organisations some clarity on how to deal with this.
The Burnout Badge
I recently listened to The TED Interview with Chris Anderson, head of TED talking to Kai-Fu Lee, Technologist on the high-stakes battle between the West and China in AI and what it means for the future of work.
I was struck by the potential long term effects on people and society when the conversation turned to how a 9-9-6 workweek is considered a good work/life balance in many Chinese start-up environments including giants like Alibaba. That's 9am to 9pm, six days a week (rather than seven). And whilst this is standard start-up stuff, the knock-on negative effects on mental health are yet to be fully realised.
The Burnout Badge is often worn like a badge of honour according to Trendwatching's latest quarterly report on The Future of Wellbeing. “Entrepreneurship porn” glorifies the ‘hustle’ and makes slowing down shameful. CEO's like Jack Ma and Elon Musk wear burnout as a badge of honour.
To Ma, working 996 (9 am to 9 pm, 6 days per week) is "bliss" and according to Musk, nobody "changed the world on 40-hours a week."
All well and good, however, just how many burnout survivors are burnout success stories?
Mental health issues in the workplace are often still perceived as a personal weakness, relegated to the hush-hush, dank, darkened corners of failure, inadequacy and shame. What struck me about the WHO's classification is this:
"Burn-out is a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed."
So let's manage workplace stress better. Much better. Burnout is not fun, it's not a hashtag or a badge. Having worked with clients who have experienced this, I understand it's a desperately depleting, dehumanising rock-bottom and a gruelling journey back into wellbeing.
In my last missive, I explored bringing our whole selves to work, leading with our heads, hearts and gut intuition. Naturally, this comes with the need to take full responsibility for our own "whole-life balance".
As Ronnie Stangler M.D., CEO of Genome Advisory, representing the Aspen Brain Trust this week, at the New York Academy of Sciences said (in relation to brain health):
"What we are learning is that cutting edge science is confirming common sense; eat well, sleep well, play well, live well, love well and move as much as possible!"
Q: How can you avoid creating a toxic burnout culture in your business? What can you do now to mitigate the risks of burnout for yourself, your team and the people you care about?
A powerful starting point is to develop a lifelong quest for self-knowledge. Know yourself well - it will give you the ability to make conscious choices for yourself in the moment. Then merge this with a robust determination for whole-self-care and accept nothing less for those around you.
And no, you don't necessarily need to OM on a mountain top, take an ashram sabbatical or dance naked in the desert at Burning Man. Unless you want to of course.
If you feel you’re experiencing burnout, please don’t ignore it. Reach out to a professional and get the support you need or get in touch with me and I’ll be happy to have a chat and point you in the right direction. You can book a time in my diary here.
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Until next time, take good care of yourself.
Best, Louise